Celebrating 20 years of publishing news & highlights for our South Miami community


APRIL/MAY 2015, Play - In & Around 1, Topics, Volume X


How to relax after a busy day at the office? How about taking a paint brush in your hand and letting the other side of your brain express itself. And that exactly what some forty busy professionals did in an event organized by ArtSouth.  Billed as “Vino & VanGogh” the event was hosted by ChamberSOUTH.  ... Read more

How to relax after a busy day at the office?
How about taking a paint brush in your hand and letting the other side of your brain express itself.

And that exactly what some forty busy professionals did in an event organized by ArtSouth.  Billed as “Vino & VanGogh” the event was hosted by ChamberSOUTH.  Easels and artist work space filled the chamber’s conference center, where palettes and brushes replaced iphones and office papers for a late afternoon of creative fun.

ArtSouth is emerging more in the South Miami community as it has relocated its offices into some City of South Miami available space for community organizations.  ArtSouth is a non-profit multidisciplinary arts organization that has served the South Dade community since 2001.  They plan full seasonal cultural arts programs in conjunction with the other community partners to develop enriching cultural arts experiences.

ArtSouth has also curated an exhibit of African art which is being shown at the City of South Miami City Hall main entrance, 6310 Sunset Drive. (See page 36.)

For additional information about ArtSouth, please inquire at: .

For additional information regarding ChamberSOUTH’s programs and activities, please log onto: chambersouth.com or call the office at 305.661.1621.


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