Celebrating 20 years of publishing news & highlights for our South Miami community

From the Publisher

Topics, Volume XVIII, Winter 2022-23

From the Publisher

Hold the Presses! We delayed the summer SOMIonline magazine going “to press” (can’t get that out of my mindset) until the “t’s” were crossed and the “”‘s” dotted on the development agreement for the W/D site redevelopment between Avalon SoMI and the City of South Miami. In this issue’s lead feature, you’ll read the retrospective ... Read more

“John Edward” Smith
Creative Director & Publisher

Hold the Presses!

We delayed the summer SOMIonline magazine going “to press” (can’t get that out of my mindset) until the “t’s” were crossed and the “”‘s” dotted on the development agreement for the W/D site redevelopment between Avalon SoMI and the City of South Miami. In this issue’s lead feature, you’ll read the retrospective and prospective SOMIonline prepared for our readership on this transformative project for our hometown.

Recently the South Miami City Hall Chambers were packed with enthusiastic community members for the unveiling of The Underline Phase 3 plans. Read about these plans in development starting on page 62, and stay turned with these plans as they materialize going forward. Phase 3 is the 7.36 mile segment from 19th Avenue to Dadeland South. SOMI Magazine has been the single media sponsor of The Friends of the Underline since the conversation was first had about creating an urban linear trail and park under the Metrorail.

In this issue SOMIonline visits our neighbors at “the U” and the Frost School of Music. Starting on page 67, you’ll meet a young and accomplished violin virtuoso who is breathing new life into this musical instrument. Hopefully you’ll get to see and hear him perform around town together with other young musicians as we foster a collaborative effort to fill our town center streets with music.

Our community resource feature this month prepared by Zoo Miami focuses on butterflies. You’ll find great information on cultivating a butterfly garden for yourself. And quite coincidently, The Wirtz Gallery is hosting an art exhibit entitled Pollinators presented by the Tropical Botanic Artists. And as we’re talking about concern for nature and the environment, please note that starting with June, remember to go “Fertilizer-Free for Manatees.”

Welcome to our new businesses and new business owners as I get to introduce you to What’s New in Town. Please see the article starting on page 80.

As the 2023 hurricane season has started, time to be reminded: BE SAFE, BE READY.

‘make it a SOMI summer and see you at Palmer Park for South Miami’s great July 4th celebration.



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