It’s Springtime, and the recently held 38th annual Rotary Art Festival on Sunset Drive brought new life into our town center. Drawing thousands of visitors to our hometown, the SOMI community appreciates the hard work and dedication of the South Miami Rotary Club in presenting this event.
And in line for CONGRATS are two local businesses who have championed causes to benefit the community: Sports Grill and Mack Cycle. Recently SPORTS GRILL hosted its annual Wings for Wishes event. Over the past nine years, $1.9m has been raised, granting 387 wishes for kids. MACK CYCLE & FITNESS has been in the forefront of the Dolphins Challenge Cancer event since its inception thirteen years ago, and fields a team to raise funds for the Sylvester Cancer Center.
The “Miami Hurricanes/Mack Cycle Team” numbered 268 and raised some $410,000 (I rode this year to celebrate
my 80TH birthday!).
In the 13 years the Mack Cycle team has raised $1.8m for Sylvester.
In this Spring edition, our lead story is the restoration of the historic Doc Thomas House located in our town center area. Read more about the house and the efforts to preserve the house and magnificent grounds for generations to come.
Breath is life. Starting with this edition we introduce a new Wellness feature. Learn more about breathing exercises that will improve your quality of life.
We continue our Community Feature and another visit with the team at ZOO Miami who are tirelessly working in animal conservancy. With that in mind, remember to eliminate harmful toxins so as not to kill the seagrass and help protect the life of our manatee population.
The Winn Dixie redevelopment project will be underway in the next few months. This will transform South Miami 73 Street and breathe new life into our town with apartment residential units and The Fresh Market grocer. Read more in our upcoming summer edition.
As the South Florida weather is still inviting, time to take a walk around our SOMI town center and visit our new businesses.
Spring into SOMI.