The monsoon rains kept the Master of Ceremonies meteorologist Phil Ferro, WSVN back at the WSVN-TV station, however, that didn’t deter the over 120 guests from coming to the Coral Gables Country Club for the 3rd Annual Chamber South Business Excellence Awards program on Tuesday, April 30th.

The awards recognize excellence in business leadership and honor businesses in our community that achieve outstanding success. The criteria used to judge the chamber member applicants are excellence in overall business achievement, corporate citizenship, customer service, and workplace environment.

The Keynote Speaker for the luncheon was Hans & Laurie Huseby of Team FootWorks.

The winners were:  Best Corporate Citizen (1-24 Employees),
The Falls; Best Corporate Citizen (25+ Employees), First National Bank of South Miami; High Growth Award, First National Bank of South Miami Minority Business Award, CBT CollegeNot – for – Profit Award, Fellowship HouseStart Up Business Award, Hand & Stone Massage and Facial SpaGreen Business Award (1-24 Employees) Palmetto Bay Village Center, and Business ChampionFirst National Bank of South Miami.




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