In comments prepared for SOMI Magazine, artistic creator Bo Droga provided an end-of-May update on his increasingly popular Miami Domino’s public artinstallation: “We have nearly completed the north side of the University of Miami metro station (30 pylons) and next we plan to paint the 26 pylons south of the station. It takes 5 people 6 hours to paint one pylon. Miami Dominoes has taken two years to bring to life from the initial inspiration. The artwork has been gifted to Miami Dade County, Coral Gables and the people of Miami. We are all volunteers and have not been paid to make this artwork.”
Do Droga’s ‘Miami Dominoes’ is a site specific installation that has enhanced the concrete infrastructure of the Miami-Dade Metrorail near the University of Miami Station. For thousands of students, locals and visitors, the station is a gateway to access the university, homes, businesses services, shops, medical centers and more.

Droga notes: “Unfortunately, the heavy concrete structure underneath the railway tracks is functional but a real eye sore. ‘Miami Dominoes’ has transformed the concrete pylons into a visually fun, playful and thought provoking installation that celebrates creativity through the method of “trompe l’oeil”. Turning the concrete pylons into a set of Domino game pieces, the thematic behind ‘Miami Dominoes’ transcends all ages, all cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. It has created an element of pride for the local neighborhood and is being enjoyed by the greater Miamicommunity and visiting tourists.”
His sculptural and site-specific installations stem from his interest in urban landscapes, “specifically in the study of the relationship between order and chaos
across urban developments. Forms, space and their opposites constitute the primary inspiration for my work. Both form and space are given shape and scale in my artworks and installations. Also, where my art works sit within their immediate surroundings is another crucial aspect of this form/space relationship. Just as internal space is created by voids in form, exterior space can be defined by changing the shape, mass/size, scale, proportion, rhythm, articulation, texture, color, and light of form as well.”
For more information about the artist, please visit: .
Instagram Artist Diary: bo.droga