Well after fourteen months of total disruption our lives are beginning to find some degree of “normalcy” as we go about our daily routines.  While certain vigilance needs to be maintained, there is more optimism that we’ll be ok.

One area of our community’s business life and throughout major markets in the USA is the lack of service personnel to fill the ranks in meeting the demands of serving guests.  This is a big challenge, and as businesses reopen, be patient as they roll out in serving you.

Our special summer edition cover feature is The Parks of South Miami.  As a long-time resident here in South Miami, I have come to appreciate the “night & day” changes to our parks (albeit a decade – no fault there) – it has been “transformational.”  It is to those demonstrable undertakings that I am pleased to publish this special edition with a ten page cover feature.  Congratulations to all who have made this transformation a growing reality.

Other great news – in the interest of pedestrian safety.  South Miami has been identified for certain pilot improvements when it comes to pedestrian safety.  Intersections along US 1 will be addressed in making certain “at-grade” changes.
The intersection of Red Road and Sunset Drive will be turned into a “diagonal crossing” where vehicular traffic is stopped in all directions and pedestrians can walk through accordingly.  

In this issue we are highlighting new FOOD, new FASHION and new FITNESS destinations here in SOMI.  Get to know our new business partners.

I hope you enjoy SOMI Summertime.  Be safe as we approach the hurricane season.

All the best!


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