Chief Landa Celebrates Retirement
At the South Miami City Commission meeting of Tuesday, August 15, 2023, time was set aside at the start of the meeting to recognize SMPD Chief Rene Landa’s retirement after 43 years in law enforcement in South Florida, and starting as a newbie with Miami PD in the 1980s which was an education unto itself.
Present to acknowledge, and tease the chief were other law enforcement senior members, beginning with Stedman Stahl, PBA President; Chief Armando Guzman, Miami Springs; Chief Ed Hudak, Jr., Coral Gables, South Miami Hospital Director of Security Lee Poppa who served with
Landa in Miami PD, and other community leaders as Bill Duquette CEO of South Miami Hospital, FNBSM President Veronica Flores, SOMI Magazine’s John Edward Smith, Pastor Joshua Carey, Anita Jenkins, Coco Plum Woman’s Club and others from the community. Lee Poppa, Sons of the American Revolution presented a commemorative metal.
The mayor and members of the city commission, former mayor Sally Philips and the city manager all spoke of his service to the community.
After the toast and roast from fellow men in blue, the recognition turned to party at Town Kitchen + Bar for a celebratory send-off sponsored in part by South Miami Hospital and First National Bank of South Miami.
To WATCH A memorable toast & roast of chief landa, GO TO: https://southmiami.granicus.com/player/clip/1626?view_id=2&redirect=true&h=0ee5dbe0425182ac8c543c52888b710b